Tag Archives: cleveland oh family photographer

Avon Lake, OH Children and Family Photographer | Miss K | 6 months old

I’ve been crazy-fortunate this year to get to do a lot of full-first year milestone sessions (what I consider to be newborn, 6-month and one year).  It’s so fun for me to see how much these sweet little ones have changed, but to also see how much their parents have grown into their role.

I’ve kept up with this little lady on Facebook since she was born this past winter… and she stops me in my tracks every time I see a picture of her.  She’s GOR-GEOUS… and has a shine to her brown eyes that is so special and so hers… I was counting down the months until we got to do this session 🙂

We had a beautiful early morning day by the waters of lake Erie… and while she gave me a couple of those “who are you, and what is that giant contraption doing in my face” looks… her sweet little personality came barreling out and we captured her sweetness and the love that her Mom and Dad can’t stop giving her 😉



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Avon, OH Children and Family Photographer | Baby Boy J | 6-month At-Home Session

This session was crazy-last minute, but also crazy-worth it to make it happen!  Mom and I planned this session in a matter of a couple of weeks – and I couldn’t have asked for a better person to work with in her ….  and a more sweet, adorable and camera-loving man than this little fella.   Six months is such a special age.  Watching their personalities come barreling through – and watching them be able to sit on a floor independently and explore all of the things they can get their hands on now… it’s the best.

I REALLY loved this being an at-home session.  It was super comfortable (and warm) for the little man.  When I came in – he was hanging out in his jumper and he took some time to try to figure out who the heck I was and what the heck I was doing there… but it was impossible for him to hide his sweet social personality for long. 🙂


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