I adore this family. There’s no other way to say it. From a photographer’s standpoint – it’s obvious that they are a dream family to have on the other end of the lens with the adorable, flirtatious little boys and a Mom and Dad who have such a playful and “real” relationship with their kids. There’s little directing, and a whole lot of just stepping back and making sure that you capture that authenticity in the most perfect way you can during our sessions.
But personally… they’re the kind of people who leave their own holiday party that they’re hosting to drop your Thanksgiving dinner off on your family’s doorstep because one of your kids got sick and you couldn’t leave the house. Or who demand that they take your kids one night so you can have a solo dinner together as husband and wife and GENUINELY enjoy doing it. Needless to say – I could spend all of my time with these guys and never have it get old.
We’ve worked together on a lot of sessions – and Mom’s idea to head to Little Italy for this one couldn’t be more fitting to mix it up from what we’ve done before but also add a little sentiment as the location has a lot of personal meaning to them. I’m proud of how authentically these pictures document who they are as individuals and as a whole… but more proud to call them friends…
Their “most wanted” picture. Partners in crime.
We finished up the session and strolled over for some ice cream and dessert. Which this pregnant photographer was not unhappy about 😉
Love these pictures. Love you guys. Love having you in our lives. Thanks for it all. Until next time…
Side bar – I’m sure most of you noticed how gorgeous Mom is. It’s kind of hard to miss. It’s that “well, she’s obviously a gorgeous person … but there’s something about her overall spirit that makes her that much more beautiful” kind of thing. Over the last year she’s done the Beach Body program and just recently became a coach to help other people live healthier, have more energy, carry themselves with a different kind of confidence, and overall to “own” living in their own skin. So happy for her for what she’s done for herself… but shows even more about who she is that she’s made a commitment to helping other people do the same. Check her out at http://www.beachbodycoach.com/esuite/home/PFRASCO